Feline Urinary Tract DiseaseFeline urinary tract disease can affect a number of different parts of the urinary system. Sometimes feline urinary tract disease can produce crystals that can prevent the flow of urine.

Symptoms of Feline Urinary Problems
The most important thing you can do as a cat owner is to be observant of your cat’s behaviors and be aware of any changes in their behavior or body. Painful urination is one tell-tale sign of a urinary problem. A reddish color or ammonia smell in the urine is also a sign. A cat with a potential urinary tract problem may:

  • Make frequent trips to the litter box
  • Cry when urinating
  • Urinate outside the litter box
  • Lick its genital area excessively

If severe, a urinary tract problem can completely block your cat from being able to urinate. Cats with this condition will strain to urinate and show general signs of anxiety.

Contact us immediately if your cat shows any of these behaviors. An obstruction that is not relieved can lead to vomiting, loss of appetite, dehydration, collapse and even death.